AC drier - wiring help

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Hi all,
Having trouble figuring this out with the parts diagrams...
On a 86 951, what I believe is the AC drier has a green connector on it with two wires. One wire which seems to be a black/brown color is cut. I also noticed that near it, there is a group of wires (not AC related) that have some damage.
I would like to reconnect the black/brown wire but don't know where it goes. Does it connect to the larger section of damaged wires? Please see the image below where I tried to capture the damaged wire group as well as the cut wire going to the switch.
Also, what is the role of the green switch? Would this broken wire cause my AC not to work?
Thank you!
IMG_1277.jpg (2.25 MiB) Viewed 220 times
IMG_1279.jpg (4.06 MiB) Viewed 220 times


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I'm installing a new condenser and receiver drier tomorrow (with any luck), so will see if I can trace that wire to its source. Someone may have cut it in an effort to bypass the sensor, to get the compressor going. That clump of brown wires are various grounds -- if some are damaged, the affected circuits may not be grounded properly, so they are worth fixing!


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See your pic below, marked to ID the parts. I can't really tell where you took that picture of the cut brown wire? In your main pic, the wiring to the low pressure switch and the high pressure (fan) switch look to be uncut? If so, what's that cut brown wire? The low pressure switch has two wires going to it. One is black, and one is black with a red stripe. You mentioned a wire that is black with brown stripe, and I'd be willing to guess that's just a dirty red stripe that looks brown? If so, that wire come right from the A/C relay (G17, pin 4, according to the schematic). If that's the wire that is cut, then you'd need to find the other side of it to reconnect, as it runs through a harness bundle that runs down that chassis hole in your second picture. And, yes, I believe cutting it would act like a low-pressure situation and cut power to the compressor (i.e., prevent the a/c from working).

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Thanks Tom! I managed to find the other end of the wire and reconnect it - per your graphic above, it was my high pressure switch afterall (brown wire got cut somehow)
Now another question :)

When I turn on my AC switch (it lights up), should the fan turn on immediately if my AC system is working correctly?
Thanks again!


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